Bullet Train: Divine Providence (Necessity and Contingency)

There are moments in life when all of the puzzle pieces come together and you have a complete picture. At that moment everything makes sense - you understand why certain things happened the way they did and the reason why certain people were involved. The problem is that most of the time we don’t really see the big picture. Call it what you will - we are wearing the “lenses of the moment.” We tend to only see what is going on right in front of us - through our unique and specific lenses. We are not acutely attuned to the happenings and circumstances of others that may be sitting in the seat across from us on a plane or train, living in the house next door, or working at the desk across the sea of cubicles in our office. We see what we see because that is what we are experiencing. We fail to realize that what others are doing and experiencing may have a critical intersection point with our own life. Enter the movie Bullet Train (dir...