War Dogs: Liars, Unethical Behavior, and Greed

 Friends, co-workers, relatives, and acquaintances - some of the many relationships we have along life’s journey. Some of these people are genuine, authentic, and sincere.  And others…well, others are not.  Some of these people will use, abuse, and drain every bit of energy out of you - and then discard you to the curb like yesterday’s trash.  Maybe this is why it so difficult to trust and develop life-long friendships and relationships.  And to make matters even more complicated, there are times in life that we make such friendships but, in the process, we become blind to the shady behaviors those people actually exhibit to everyone else around them.  

Enter the 2016 film War Dogs - a true story based on the opportunistic childhood friendship of Efraim Diveroli and David Packouz.  Efraim is an opportunist at best and a back-stabbing liar at worst.  Efraim has figured out a way to garner government contracts for small arms and ammunition that the Federal Government posts on a clearing-house website.  Efraim has figured out that the “big fish” in the arms industry ignore the smaller contracts - leaving them for “bottom feeders” in the arms world…”bottom feeders” tagged with the nickname, “War Dogs.”  Everyone around David seems to know that Efraim is a bad character; that Efraim is a liar, a cheat, and a bad character.  But David is blinded by the loyalty of childhood friendship.  And, when the money (and I mean lots and lots of money) starts rolling in who could blame David for trusting his less than ethical friend!

How easily David is sucked up into selfish ambition; his eyes are blinded by dollars.  Even when the mother of his child begs him not to go down this road with Ephraim, onward he charges right into harms way - into legal entanglements and the abyss of greed.  The Bible warns:  “…but if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth.  This is not the wisdom that come down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic” (James 3:14,15).  David does not heed the warning.  Ephraim is a liar, unethical, and greedy.  He will abandon David at the first sign that he will benefit from severing this relationship.  It is only when David is faced with loosing everything and everyone does he finally see the light.  And with that relationship severing there is real pain and heart-ache.  

What makes War Dogs so intriguing is that it is a TRUE story.  When we reflect upon our own lives I suspect you will find an “Ephraim” or two somewhere in your past - and “Ephraim” who lured, prodded, or drove you down the wrong road in life.  Life is filled with people who only think of themselves and are quick to use and dispose of people for their own personal gain.  As I reflect upon this movie I am struck with how important the message really is for everyday people like you and me - the world is filled with liars and scoundrels.  Knowing this truth, be very, very careful with choosing your friends and who you align yourself with at work and other life circumstances.  The wrong road is easy to find oneself on…but not so easy to exit.


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